Class sh::ui::FilePropertyDialogTabActionsView

class sh::ui::FilePropertyDialogTabActionsView

A tab view which shows a main widget in the main part and some buttons below.

Subclassed by sh::ui::qt::QtFilePropertyDialogTabActionsView, sh::ui::web::WebFilePropertyDialog::WebFilePropertyDialogTabActionsView

Public Functions


Is intended to be directly constructed from everywhere.

FilePropertyDialogTabViewContent *content()

The main widget.

void setContent(FilePropertyDialogTabViewContent *cnt)

Sets the main widget. .

QList<QString> buttons()

The list of buttons.

void setButtons(QList<QString> buttons)

Sets the list of buttons. .

void setVisible(bool v) = 0

Sets the view visible or hidden. .

void onButtonTriggered(std::function<void(int i)> fct, QObject *owner = 0, )

Sets a handler for a click on one of the buttons (optionally bound to an owner lifetime).