Class sh::scripting::ScriptingEngine::ScriptedException

class sh::scripting::ScriptingEngine::ScriptedException : public sh::exceptions::Exception

Exception for errors within the scripting engine and interpreters.

Public Functions

ScriptedException(sh::exceptions::ExceptionData data)
QString message() const
QString name() const
QString classes() const
QString details() const
QString callstack() const
QString auxiliary() const
QString customValue(QString key) const
bool isRuntimeException() const
bool isProgramException() const
bool isRetryable() const
bool isResumeable() const
bool isDetailsAreInteresting() const
int autoRetryRecommendedIn() const
void setResumeable(bool v)
void setReTryable(bool v)
void setCustomValue(QString key, QString value)
bool isClass(QString classname)
sh::exceptions::ExceptionData data()

Public Static Functions

template<class Handler>
std::shared_ptr<RegisterHandler<Handler>> createRegisterHandler(Handler handler, QStack<Handler> *stack)
void executeGuarded(std::function<void()> fctint flags = 0, )

Executes some code with some standard exection handling around.

  • fct: The code to execute guarded.

  • flags: Flags of ExecuteGuardFlag for choosing the behavior.

void executeGuarded_errorpanel(std::function<void()> fctint flags = 0, )
QString _demangle(QString l)
void exceptionDialog(sh::exceptions::Exception &e, bool *doRetry)

Public Static Attributes

const QString UNDEFINED_ERROR_OCCURRED = QObject::tr("An unspecified error occurred.")
const QString SHALLOT_MUST_CLOSE_TEXT = QObject::tr("Your Shallot process is disturbed by an error and needs to be closed now. You can try if starting Shallot again solves the issue. If you are interested in technical details, please take a look at the log.")
const QString Value_isShallotException = "_isShallotException"