Namespace sh::filesystemhandlers

namespace sh::filesystemhandlers

Implementations of filesystem handlers.

Subclasses of sh::filesystem::FilesystemHandler (and possibly some auxiliary stuff). They implement how to access various types of filesystems.

Some special purpose handlers reside outside of this namespace.

class ActionMountGnomeIOLocation : public sh::actions::ActionActionItem
#include <gnomeiofilesystemhandler.h>

Action for mounting a GIO location.

Public Functions

ActionMountGnomeIOLocation(QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode>> nodes)

Constructed only internally.

void execute()

Executes this action.

void execute(sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)

Executes this action.

QKeySequence shortcuthint()

Returns the keyboard shortcut for triggering this action.

bool shortcuthintTriggersOnCurrentDirectory()

Checks if using the keyboard shortcut shall trigger the action on the current directory (or on the entry selection).

void setShortcuthint(QKeySequence shortcut, bool triggersOnCurrentDirectory = false)

Sets the keyboard shortcut for triggering this action.

QString text()

Returns the displayed text for this action.

QString icon()

Returns the icon for this action.

bool enabled()

Checks if this action is enabled.

bool isChecked()

Checks if this action is checked (has a cross in the ui).

bool isCheckable()

Checks if this action is checkable (can have a cross in the ui).

int defaultActionPrecedence() const

Returns the precedence for becoming the default action of a parent submenu.

This e.g. leads to a bold label.

The action with the highest value becomes the default. Only values >0 will be considered. See ActionDefaultPrecedenceValues for reference values.

void setText(QString text)

Sets the displayed text.

void setIcon(QString icon)

Sets the icon.

void setEnabled(bool enabled)

Sets if the item is enabled.

void setChecked(bool checked)

Sets if the item is checked (has a cross in the ui).

void setVisible(bool visible)

Sets the visibility of this item.

bool visible()

Checks the visibility of this item (non-recursively).

std::weak_ptr<AbstractActionItem> parentAction()

Returns the parent action, if it is added to a container.

void _setParentAction(std::shared_ptr<AbstractActionItem> parent)

Sets the parent action. .

void initializeAsync(std::function<void()> oninitialized = 0)

Asynchonously initializes the action.

void initializeSync()

Synchonously initializes the action.

bool isInitialized()

Checks if this action is initialized.

bool isInitializing()

Checks if this action is initializing.


void changed()

Emits when some data changed.

Public Static Functions

void offerMountGVolumeUuid(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node, QString gvolumeuuid)
void offerMountLocation(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node, QString location)
void unofferMount(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node)
void doInitialize()
void doShutdown()
QString mount(sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info, QString gvolumeuuid, QString location, std::shared_ptr<filesystem::FilesystemNode> node)
class ActionMountNetworkGnomeIOLocation : public sh::actions::ActionActionItem
#include <gnomeionetworkfilesystemhandler.h>

Action for mounting a GIO network location.

Public Functions


Constructed only internally.

void execute()

Executes this action.

void execute(sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)

Executes this action.

QKeySequence shortcuthint()

Returns the keyboard shortcut for triggering this action.

bool shortcuthintTriggersOnCurrentDirectory()

Checks if using the keyboard shortcut shall trigger the action on the current directory (or on the entry selection).

void setShortcuthint(QKeySequence shortcut, bool triggersOnCurrentDirectory = false)

Sets the keyboard shortcut for triggering this action.

QString text()

Returns the displayed text for this action.

QString icon()

Returns the icon for this action.

bool enabled()

Checks if this action is enabled.

bool isChecked()

Checks if this action is checked (has a cross in the ui).

bool isCheckable()

Checks if this action is checkable (can have a cross in the ui).

int defaultActionPrecedence() const

Returns the precedence for becoming the default action of a parent submenu.

This e.g. leads to a bold label.

The action with the highest value becomes the default. Only values >0 will be considered. See ActionDefaultPrecedenceValues for reference values.

void setText(QString text)

Sets the displayed text.

void setIcon(QString icon)

Sets the icon.

void setEnabled(bool enabled)

Sets if the item is enabled.

void setChecked(bool checked)

Sets if the item is checked (has a cross in the ui).

void setVisible(bool visible)

Sets the visibility of this item.

bool visible()

Checks the visibility of this item (non-recursively).

std::weak_ptr<AbstractActionItem> parentAction()

Returns the parent action, if it is added to a container.

void _setParentAction(std::shared_ptr<AbstractActionItem> parent)

Sets the parent action. .

void initializeAsync(std::function<void()> oninitialized = 0)

Asynchonously initializes the action.

void initializeSync()

Synchonously initializes the action.

bool isInitialized()

Checks if this action is initialized.

bool isInitializing()

Checks if this action is initializing.


void changed()

Emits when some data changed.

class ActionUnmountGnomeIOLocation : public sh::actions::ActionActionItem
#include <gnomeiofilesystemhandler.h>

Action for unmounting a GIO location.

Public Functions

ActionUnmountGnomeIOLocation(QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode>> nodes)

Constructed only internally.

void execute()

Executes this action.

void execute(sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)

Executes this action.

QKeySequence shortcuthint()

Returns the keyboard shortcut for triggering this action.

bool shortcuthintTriggersOnCurrentDirectory()

Checks if using the keyboard shortcut shall trigger the action on the current directory (or on the entry selection).

void setShortcuthint(QKeySequence shortcut, bool triggersOnCurrentDirectory = false)

Sets the keyboard shortcut for triggering this action.

QString text()

Returns the displayed text for this action.

QString icon()

Returns the icon for this action.

bool enabled()

Checks if this action is enabled.

bool isChecked()

Checks if this action is checked (has a cross in the ui).

bool isCheckable()

Checks if this action is checkable (can have a cross in the ui).

int defaultActionPrecedence() const

Returns the precedence for becoming the default action of a parent submenu.

This e.g. leads to a bold label.

The action with the highest value becomes the default. Only values >0 will be considered. See ActionDefaultPrecedenceValues for reference values.

void setText(QString text)

Sets the displayed text.

void setIcon(QString icon)

Sets the icon.

void setEnabled(bool enabled)

Sets if the item is enabled.

void setChecked(bool checked)

Sets if the item is checked (has a cross in the ui).

void setVisible(bool visible)

Sets the visibility of this item.

bool visible()

Checks the visibility of this item (non-recursively).

std::weak_ptr<AbstractActionItem> parentAction()

Returns the parent action, if it is added to a container.

void _setParentAction(std::shared_ptr<AbstractActionItem> parent)

Sets the parent action. .

void initializeAsync(std::function<void()> oninitialized = 0)

Asynchonously initializes the action.

void initializeSync()

Synchonously initializes the action.

bool isInitialized()

Checks if this action is initialized.

bool isInitializing()

Checks if this action is initializing.


void changed()

Emits when some data changed.

Public Static Functions

void offerUnmountLocation(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node, QString location, bool staticmode = false)
void unofferUnmount(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node)
void doInitialize()
void doShutdown()
class ArchiveFilesystemHandler : public sh::filesystem::FilesystemHandler
#include <archivefilesystemhandler.h>

A filesystem handler for archive files of some formats.

This implementation uses process calls to some external utility tools.

Public Functions

ArchiveFilesystemHandler(sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel *model)
void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list)
sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time)
QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target)
bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer)
bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src)
void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath)
QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls)
void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list) = 0

Determine a list of subelements in a certain directory.

void configureItems(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, QList<std::shared_ptr<FilesystemNode>> nodes)

Configure newly created nodes (e.g. setting another icon or changing the display name).

sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine if a file is regular, or a dir, or a link, …

qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the size of a file.

QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the mtime of a file.

void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time) = 0

Set the mtime of a file.

QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine mime type of a file.

QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Resolve a link.

QList<QString> listExtendedAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Fetches the list of available extended attributes for an entry.

quint64 getExtendedAttributeSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the site of value for one extended attribute for an entry.

QByteArray getExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void setExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QByteArray value)

Sets the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void removeExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Removes one extended attributes for an entry.

QMap<QString, QString> getCustomAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Returns the custom attributes for an entry.

In contrast to extended attributes, the custom attributes are not directly stored in the filesystem this way, but handle implementation specific aspects (like permissions).

void setCustomAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QString value)

Sets the value for one custom attribute for an entry.

See also getCustomAttributes.

bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to get the content of a certain file.

std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Get the content of a file.

bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create subdirectories in a certain directory.

void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Create a directory.

bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create a link in a certain directory.

void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target) = 0

Create a link.

bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create files in a certain directory.

void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer) = 0

Creates a file with some content.

It may use handlertransfer for some better integration, like cancel support and progress monitoring.

bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to delete a certain file/directory/link/….

void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Delete a file/directory/link/…

void deleteDirectoryIfEmpty(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Deletes a directory only of it is empty.

bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to rename a certain file, directory, link, … (see renameItem).

void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath) = 0

Renames an item to another path.

It can be a simple filename change or also changes in the deeper path segments.

QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) = 0

Returns a list of actions (see former example) for showing for certain files.

bool requiresResolvedLinks()

Returns if this handler requires to be used by the engine with resolved links.

void viewEnteredDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view entered some directory (e.g. for enabling watchers). See also viewLeftDirectory.

void viewLeftDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view left some directory. See also viewEnteredDirectory.

bool isWellKnownScheme()

Returns if the scheme for this handler is a well known one (which external programs typically would understand).

void search(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>>, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType ftype)> addfile, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)> visitdir, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>> criteria, )

Helps searching for files.

Override this method with a behavior identical to the default, if a specialized implementation can be much faster than the default one.

void customizeUi(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node, bool *showSearchPanel)

Creates a custom gui, which becomes part of the fileview.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel *model()

A convenience shortcut to the sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel (a singleton).

Public Static Functions

void doInitialize()
void doShutdown()
class GnomeIODevicesFilesystemHandler : public sh::filesystemhandlers::GnomeIOFilesystemHandler, public sh::base::Singleton
#include <gnomeiodevicesfilesystemhandler.h>

A filesystem handler for the GIO filesystem ‘Devices’ subtree.

Public Functions

void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list) override
sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) override
void refresh()

Refreshes the device list.

void requestNewNode(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> *nnode)

Requests a new device node.

void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list) = 0

Determine a list of subelements in a certain directory.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine if a file is regular, or a dir, or a link, …

qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the size of a file.

QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the mtime of a file.

void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time)
void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time) = 0

Set the mtime of a file.

QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine mime type of a file.

QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Resolve a link.

bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to get the content of a certain file.

std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Get the content of a file.

bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create subdirectories in a certain directory.

void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Create a directory.

bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create a link in a certain directory.

void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target)
void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target) = 0

Create a link.

bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create files in a certain directory.

void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer)
void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer) = 0

Creates a file with some content.

It may use handlertransfer for some better integration, like cancel support and progress monitoring.

bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to delete a certain file/directory/link/….

void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Delete a file/directory/link/…

bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src)
bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to rename a certain file, directory, link, … (see renameItem).

void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath)
void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath) = 0

Renames an item to another path.

It can be a simple filename change or also changes in the deeper path segments.

QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) = 0

Returns a list of actions (see former example) for showing for certain files.

bool requiresResolvedLinks()

Returns if this handler requires to be used by the engine with resolved links.

bool isWellKnownScheme()

Returns if the scheme for this handler is a well known one (which external programs typically would understand).

void configureItems(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, QList<std::shared_ptr<FilesystemNode>> nodes)

Configure newly created nodes (e.g. setting another icon or changing the display name).

QList<QString> listExtendedAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Fetches the list of available extended attributes for an entry.

quint64 getExtendedAttributeSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the site of value for one extended attribute for an entry.

QByteArray getExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void setExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QByteArray value)

Sets the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void removeExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Removes one extended attributes for an entry.

QMap<QString, QString> getCustomAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Returns the custom attributes for an entry.

In contrast to extended attributes, the custom attributes are not directly stored in the filesystem this way, but handle implementation specific aspects (like permissions).

void setCustomAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QString value)

Sets the value for one custom attribute for an entry.

See also getCustomAttributes.

void deleteDirectoryIfEmpty(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Deletes a directory only of it is empty.

void viewEnteredDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view entered some directory (e.g. for enabling watchers). See also viewLeftDirectory.

void viewLeftDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view left some directory. See also viewEnteredDirectory.

void search(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>>, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType ftype)> addfile, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)> visitdir, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>> criteria, )

Helps searching for files.

Override this method with a behavior identical to the default, if a specialized implementation can be much faster than the default one.

void customizeUi(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node, bool *showSearchPanel)

Creates a custom gui, which becomes part of the fileview.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel *model()

A convenience shortcut to the sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel (a singleton).

void doShutdown()

Executes singleton shutdown.

void shutdown()

Shutdown down this singleton.

bool isAlive()

Returns if this singleton is alive (true until its shutdown begins).

Public Static Functions

QString mountDevice(QString gvolumeuuid, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QString mountLocation(QString gurl, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QString unmountLocation(QString gurl, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QByteArray eurl2gurlb(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString eurl2gurl(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> gurl2eurl(QString gurl)
void logIfError(void *error)
void throwIfError(void *error)

Private Functions



friend class ActionMount
class GnomeIOFilesystemHandler : public sh::filesystem::FilesystemHandler
#include <gnomeiofilesystemhandler.h>

A filesystem handler for GIO filesystem parts.

This is the abstract base class.

Subclassed by sh::filesystemhandlers::GnomeIODevicesFilesystemHandler, sh::filesystemhandlers::GnomeIOGenericFilesystemHandler, sh::filesystemhandlers::GnomeIONetworkFilesystemHandler, sh::filesystemhandlers::GnomeIOSmbFilesystemHandler

Public Functions

void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list)
sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time)
QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target)
bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer)
bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src)
void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath)
QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls)
bool requiresResolvedLinks()

Returns if this handler requires to be used by the engine with resolved links.

bool isWellKnownScheme()

Returns if the scheme for this handler is a well known one (which external programs typically would understand).

void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list) = 0

Determine a list of subelements in a certain directory.

void configureItems(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, QList<std::shared_ptr<FilesystemNode>> nodes)

Configure newly created nodes (e.g. setting another icon or changing the display name).

sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine if a file is regular, or a dir, or a link, …

qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the size of a file.

QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the mtime of a file.

void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time) = 0

Set the mtime of a file.

QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine mime type of a file.

QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Resolve a link.

QList<QString> listExtendedAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Fetches the list of available extended attributes for an entry.

quint64 getExtendedAttributeSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the site of value for one extended attribute for an entry.

QByteArray getExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void setExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QByteArray value)

Sets the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void removeExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Removes one extended attributes for an entry.

QMap<QString, QString> getCustomAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Returns the custom attributes for an entry.

In contrast to extended attributes, the custom attributes are not directly stored in the filesystem this way, but handle implementation specific aspects (like permissions).

void setCustomAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QString value)

Sets the value for one custom attribute for an entry.

See also getCustomAttributes.

bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to get the content of a certain file.

std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Get the content of a file.

bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create subdirectories in a certain directory.

void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Create a directory.

bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create a link in a certain directory.

void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target) = 0

Create a link.

bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create files in a certain directory.

void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer) = 0

Creates a file with some content.

It may use handlertransfer for some better integration, like cancel support and progress monitoring.

bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to delete a certain file/directory/link/….

void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Delete a file/directory/link/…

void deleteDirectoryIfEmpty(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Deletes a directory only of it is empty.

bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to rename a certain file, directory, link, … (see renameItem).

void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath) = 0

Renames an item to another path.

It can be a simple filename change or also changes in the deeper path segments.

QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) = 0

Returns a list of actions (see former example) for showing for certain files.

void viewEnteredDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view entered some directory (e.g. for enabling watchers). See also viewLeftDirectory.

void viewLeftDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view left some directory. See also viewEnteredDirectory.

void search(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>>, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType ftype)> addfile, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)> visitdir, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>> criteria, )

Helps searching for files.

Override this method with a behavior identical to the default, if a specialized implementation can be much faster than the default one.

void customizeUi(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node, bool *showSearchPanel)

Creates a custom gui, which becomes part of the fileview.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel *model()

A convenience shortcut to the sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel (a singleton).

Public Static Functions

QString mountDevice(QString gvolumeuuid, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QString mountLocation(QString gurl, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QString unmountLocation(QString gurl, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QByteArray eurl2gurlb(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString eurl2gurl(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> gurl2eurl(QString gurl)
void logIfError(void *error)
void throwIfError(void *error)
class MountOperations
#include <gnomeiofilesystemhandler.h>

Public Static Functions

void *createMountOperation(sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info, QString address, MountOperationsCallbackData **opdata)
void deleteMountOperation(MountOperationsCallbackData *opdata)

Public Static Attributes

QHash<size_t, MountOperationsCallbackData*> callbackdata
size_t callbackdataindex
QMutex callbackdatamutex
struct MountOperationsCallbackData
#include <gnomeiofilesystemhandler.h>

Public Functions

MountOperationsCallbackData(sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info, size_t index, void *mountoperation, QString address)

Public Members

sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info
size_t index
void *mountoperation
QString address
class GnomeIOGenericFilesystemHandler : public sh::filesystemhandlers::GnomeIOFilesystemHandler
#include <gnomeiogenericfilesystemhandler.h>

A filesystem handler for common/unspecial GIO filesystem parts.

This is a generic non-abstract implementation without special behavior.

Public Functions

GnomeIOGenericFilesystemHandler(sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel *model)
void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list)
void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list) = 0

Determine a list of subelements in a certain directory.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine if a file is regular, or a dir, or a link, …

qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the size of a file.

QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the mtime of a file.

void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time)
void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time) = 0

Set the mtime of a file.

QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine mime type of a file.

QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Resolve a link.

bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to get the content of a certain file.

std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Get the content of a file.

bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create subdirectories in a certain directory.

void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Create a directory.

bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create a link in a certain directory.

void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target)
void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target) = 0

Create a link.

bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create files in a certain directory.

void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer)
void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer) = 0

Creates a file with some content.

It may use handlertransfer for some better integration, like cancel support and progress monitoring.

bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to delete a certain file/directory/link/….

void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Delete a file/directory/link/…

bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src)
bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to rename a certain file, directory, link, … (see renameItem).

void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath)
void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath) = 0

Renames an item to another path.

It can be a simple filename change or also changes in the deeper path segments.

QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls)
QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) = 0

Returns a list of actions (see former example) for showing for certain files.

bool requiresResolvedLinks()

Returns if this handler requires to be used by the engine with resolved links.

bool isWellKnownScheme()

Returns if the scheme for this handler is a well known one (which external programs typically would understand).

void configureItems(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, QList<std::shared_ptr<FilesystemNode>> nodes)

Configure newly created nodes (e.g. setting another icon or changing the display name).

QList<QString> listExtendedAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Fetches the list of available extended attributes for an entry.

quint64 getExtendedAttributeSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the site of value for one extended attribute for an entry.

QByteArray getExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void setExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QByteArray value)

Sets the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void removeExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Removes one extended attributes for an entry.

QMap<QString, QString> getCustomAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Returns the custom attributes for an entry.

In contrast to extended attributes, the custom attributes are not directly stored in the filesystem this way, but handle implementation specific aspects (like permissions).

void setCustomAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QString value)

Sets the value for one custom attribute for an entry.

See also getCustomAttributes.

void deleteDirectoryIfEmpty(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Deletes a directory only of it is empty.

void viewEnteredDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view entered some directory (e.g. for enabling watchers). See also viewLeftDirectory.

void viewLeftDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view left some directory. See also viewEnteredDirectory.

void search(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>>, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType ftype)> addfile, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)> visitdir, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>> criteria, )

Helps searching for files.

Override this method with a behavior identical to the default, if a specialized implementation can be much faster than the default one.

void customizeUi(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node, bool *showSearchPanel)

Creates a custom gui, which becomes part of the fileview.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel *model()

A convenience shortcut to the sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel (a singleton).

Public Static Functions

QString mountDevice(QString gvolumeuuid, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QString mountLocation(QString gurl, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QString unmountLocation(QString gurl, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QByteArray eurl2gurlb(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString eurl2gurl(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> gurl2eurl(QString gurl)
void logIfError(void *error)
void throwIfError(void *error)
class GnomeIONetworkFilesystemHandler : public sh::filesystemhandlers::GnomeIOFilesystemHandler, public sh::base::Singleton
#include <gnomeionetworkfilesystemhandler.h>

A filesystem handler for the GIO filesystem ‘Network’ subtree.

Public Functions

QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) override
void requestNewNode(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> *nnode)

Requests a new network node.

void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list)
void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list) = 0

Determine a list of subelements in a certain directory.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine if a file is regular, or a dir, or a link, …

qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the size of a file.

QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the mtime of a file.

void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time)
void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time) = 0

Set the mtime of a file.

QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine mime type of a file.

QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Resolve a link.

bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to get the content of a certain file.

std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Get the content of a file.

bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create subdirectories in a certain directory.

void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Create a directory.

bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create a link in a certain directory.

void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target)
void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target) = 0

Create a link.

bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create files in a certain directory.

void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer)
void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer) = 0

Creates a file with some content.

It may use handlertransfer for some better integration, like cancel support and progress monitoring.

bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to delete a certain file/directory/link/….

void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Delete a file/directory/link/…

bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src)
bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to rename a certain file, directory, link, … (see renameItem).

void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath)
void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath) = 0

Renames an item to another path.

It can be a simple filename change or also changes in the deeper path segments.

QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) = 0

Returns a list of actions (see former example) for showing for certain files.

bool requiresResolvedLinks()

Returns if this handler requires to be used by the engine with resolved links.

bool isWellKnownScheme()

Returns if the scheme for this handler is a well known one (which external programs typically would understand).

void configureItems(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, QList<std::shared_ptr<FilesystemNode>> nodes)

Configure newly created nodes (e.g. setting another icon or changing the display name).

QList<QString> listExtendedAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Fetches the list of available extended attributes for an entry.

quint64 getExtendedAttributeSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the site of value for one extended attribute for an entry.

QByteArray getExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void setExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QByteArray value)

Sets the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void removeExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Removes one extended attributes for an entry.

QMap<QString, QString> getCustomAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Returns the custom attributes for an entry.

In contrast to extended attributes, the custom attributes are not directly stored in the filesystem this way, but handle implementation specific aspects (like permissions).

void setCustomAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QString value)

Sets the value for one custom attribute for an entry.

See also getCustomAttributes.

void deleteDirectoryIfEmpty(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Deletes a directory only of it is empty.

void viewEnteredDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view entered some directory (e.g. for enabling watchers). See also viewLeftDirectory.

void viewLeftDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view left some directory. See also viewEnteredDirectory.

void search(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>>, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType ftype)> addfile, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)> visitdir, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>> criteria, )

Helps searching for files.

Override this method with a behavior identical to the default, if a specialized implementation can be much faster than the default one.

void customizeUi(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node, bool *showSearchPanel)

Creates a custom gui, which becomes part of the fileview.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel *model()

A convenience shortcut to the sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel (a singleton).

void doShutdown()

Executes singleton shutdown.

void shutdown()

Shutdown down this singleton.

bool isAlive()

Returns if this singleton is alive (true until its shutdown begins).

Public Static Functions

QString mountDevice(QString gvolumeuuid, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QString mountLocation(QString gurl, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QString unmountLocation(QString gurl, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QByteArray eurl2gurlb(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString eurl2gurl(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> gurl2eurl(QString gurl)
void logIfError(void *error)
void throwIfError(void *error)

Private Functions

class GnomeIOSmbFilesystemHandler : public sh::filesystemhandlers::GnomeIOFilesystemHandler, public sh::base::Singleton
#include <gnomeiosmbfilesystemhandler.h>

A filesystem handler for the GIO filesystem ‘smb’ subtrees (in ‘Network’).

Public Functions

sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list)
void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list) = 0

Determine a list of subelements in a certain directory.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine if a file is regular, or a dir, or a link, …

qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the size of a file.

QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the mtime of a file.

void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time)
void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time) = 0

Set the mtime of a file.

QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine mime type of a file.

QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Resolve a link.

bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to get the content of a certain file.

std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Get the content of a file.

bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create subdirectories in a certain directory.

void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Create a directory.

bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create a link in a certain directory.

void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target)
void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target) = 0

Create a link.

bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create files in a certain directory.

void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer)
void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer) = 0

Creates a file with some content.

It may use handlertransfer for some better integration, like cancel support and progress monitoring.

bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to delete a certain file/directory/link/….

void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Delete a file/directory/link/…

bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src)
bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to rename a certain file, directory, link, … (see renameItem).

void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath)
void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath) = 0

Renames an item to another path.

It can be a simple filename change or also changes in the deeper path segments.

QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls)
QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) = 0

Returns a list of actions (see former example) for showing for certain files.

bool requiresResolvedLinks()

Returns if this handler requires to be used by the engine with resolved links.

bool isWellKnownScheme()

Returns if the scheme for this handler is a well known one (which external programs typically would understand).

void configureItems(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, QList<std::shared_ptr<FilesystemNode>> nodes)

Configure newly created nodes (e.g. setting another icon or changing the display name).

QList<QString> listExtendedAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Fetches the list of available extended attributes for an entry.

quint64 getExtendedAttributeSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the site of value for one extended attribute for an entry.

QByteArray getExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void setExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QByteArray value)

Sets the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void removeExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Removes one extended attributes for an entry.

QMap<QString, QString> getCustomAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Returns the custom attributes for an entry.

In contrast to extended attributes, the custom attributes are not directly stored in the filesystem this way, but handle implementation specific aspects (like permissions).

void setCustomAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QString value)

Sets the value for one custom attribute for an entry.

See also getCustomAttributes.

void deleteDirectoryIfEmpty(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Deletes a directory only of it is empty.

void viewEnteredDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view entered some directory (e.g. for enabling watchers). See also viewLeftDirectory.

void viewLeftDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view left some directory. See also viewEnteredDirectory.

void search(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>>, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType ftype)> addfile, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)> visitdir, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>> criteria, )

Helps searching for files.

Override this method with a behavior identical to the default, if a specialized implementation can be much faster than the default one.

void customizeUi(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node, bool *showSearchPanel)

Creates a custom gui, which becomes part of the fileview.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel *model()

A convenience shortcut to the sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel (a singleton).

void doShutdown()

Executes singleton shutdown.

void shutdown()

Shutdown down this singleton.

bool isAlive()

Returns if this singleton is alive (true until its shutdown begins).

Public Static Functions

QString mountDevice(QString gvolumeuuid, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QString mountLocation(QString gurl, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QString unmountLocation(QString gurl, sh::actions::ActionExecutionInfo *info)
QByteArray eurl2gurlb(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
QString eurl2gurl(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> gurl2eurl(QString gurl)
void logIfError(void *error)
void throwIfError(void *error)

Private Functions

class LocalFilesystemHandler : public sh::filesystem::FilesystemHandler, public sh::base::Singleton
#include <localfilesystemhandler.h>

A filesystem handler for the local filesystem.

Subclassed by sh::filesystemhandlers::WindowsNetworkFilesystemHandler

Public Functions

void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list) override
void configureItems(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode>> nodes) override

Configure newly created nodes (e.g. setting another icon or changing the display name).

sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime mtime) override
QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target) override
bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer) override
bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src) override
void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath) override
QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) override
QList<QString> listExtendedAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
quint64 getExtendedAttributeSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute) override
QByteArray getExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute) override
void setExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QByteArray value) override
void removeExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute) override
QMap<QString, QString> getCustomAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void setCustomAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QString value) override
bool requiresResolvedLinks() override

Returns if this handler requires to be used by the engine with resolved links.

bool isWellKnownScheme() override

Returns if the scheme for this handler is a well known one (which external programs typically would understand).

QString eurlToLocal(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> localToEurl(const QString local)
void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list) = 0

Determine a list of subelements in a certain directory.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine if a file is regular, or a dir, or a link, …

qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the size of a file.

QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the mtime of a file.

void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time) = 0

Set the mtime of a file.

QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine mime type of a file.

QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Resolve a link.

QList<QString> listExtendedAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Fetches the list of available extended attributes for an entry.

quint64 getExtendedAttributeSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the site of value for one extended attribute for an entry.

QByteArray getExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void setExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QByteArray value)

Sets the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void removeExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Removes one extended attributes for an entry.

QMap<QString, QString> getCustomAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Returns the custom attributes for an entry.

In contrast to extended attributes, the custom attributes are not directly stored in the filesystem this way, but handle implementation specific aspects (like permissions).

void setCustomAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QString value)

Sets the value for one custom attribute for an entry.

See also getCustomAttributes.

bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to get the content of a certain file.

std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Get the content of a file.

bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create subdirectories in a certain directory.

void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Create a directory.

bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create a link in a certain directory.

void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target) = 0

Create a link.

bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create files in a certain directory.

void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer) = 0

Creates a file with some content.

It may use handlertransfer for some better integration, like cancel support and progress monitoring.

bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to delete a certain file/directory/link/….

void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Delete a file/directory/link/…

void deleteDirectoryIfEmpty(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Deletes a directory only of it is empty.

bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to rename a certain file, directory, link, … (see renameItem).

void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath) = 0

Renames an item to another path.

It can be a simple filename change or also changes in the deeper path segments.

QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) = 0

Returns a list of actions (see former example) for showing for certain files.

void viewEnteredDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view entered some directory (e.g. for enabling watchers). See also viewLeftDirectory.

void viewLeftDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view left some directory. See also viewEnteredDirectory.

void search(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>>, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType ftype)> addfile, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)> visitdir, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>> criteria, )

Helps searching for files.

Override this method with a behavior identical to the default, if a specialized implementation can be much faster than the default one.

void customizeUi(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node, bool *showSearchPanel)

Creates a custom gui, which becomes part of the fileview.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel *model()

A convenience shortcut to the sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel (a singleton).

void doShutdown()

Executes singleton shutdown.

void shutdown()

Shutdown down this singleton.

bool isAlive()

Returns if this singleton is alive (true until its shutdown begins).

class SharcFilesystemHandler : public sh::filesystem::FilesystemHandler, public sh::base::Singleton
#include <sharcfilesystemhandler.h>

A filesystem handler for the sharc archives.

This is a brutally easy and inefficient archive format which exists mostly for testing.

Public Functions

void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list) override
void configureItems(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode>> nodes) override
sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time) override
QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target) override
bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer) override
bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src) override
void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath) override
QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) override
void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list) = 0

Determine a list of subelements in a certain directory.

void configureItems(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, QList<std::shared_ptr<FilesystemNode>> nodes)

Configure newly created nodes (e.g. setting another icon or changing the display name).

sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine if a file is regular, or a dir, or a link, …

qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the size of a file.

QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the mtime of a file.

void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time) = 0

Set the mtime of a file.

QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine mime type of a file.

QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Resolve a link.

QList<QString> listExtendedAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Fetches the list of available extended attributes for an entry.

quint64 getExtendedAttributeSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the site of value for one extended attribute for an entry.

QByteArray getExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void setExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QByteArray value)

Sets the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void removeExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Removes one extended attributes for an entry.

QMap<QString, QString> getCustomAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Returns the custom attributes for an entry.

In contrast to extended attributes, the custom attributes are not directly stored in the filesystem this way, but handle implementation specific aspects (like permissions).

void setCustomAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QString value)

Sets the value for one custom attribute for an entry.

See also getCustomAttributes.

bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to get the content of a certain file.

std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Get the content of a file.

bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create subdirectories in a certain directory.

void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Create a directory.

bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create a link in a certain directory.

void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target) = 0

Create a link.

bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create files in a certain directory.

void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer) = 0

Creates a file with some content.

It may use handlertransfer for some better integration, like cancel support and progress monitoring.

bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to delete a certain file/directory/link/….

void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Delete a file/directory/link/…

void deleteDirectoryIfEmpty(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Deletes a directory only of it is empty.

bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to rename a certain file, directory, link, … (see renameItem).

void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath) = 0

Renames an item to another path.

It can be a simple filename change or also changes in the deeper path segments.

QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) = 0

Returns a list of actions (see former example) for showing for certain files.

bool requiresResolvedLinks()

Returns if this handler requires to be used by the engine with resolved links.

void viewEnteredDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view entered some directory (e.g. for enabling watchers). See also viewLeftDirectory.

void viewLeftDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view left some directory. See also viewEnteredDirectory.

bool isWellKnownScheme()

Returns if the scheme for this handler is a well known one (which external programs typically would understand).

void search(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>>, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType ftype)> addfile, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)> visitdir, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>> criteria, )

Helps searching for files.

Override this method with a behavior identical to the default, if a specialized implementation can be much faster than the default one.

void customizeUi(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node, bool *showSearchPanel)

Creates a custom gui, which becomes part of the fileview.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel *model()

A convenience shortcut to the sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel (a singleton).

void doShutdown()

Executes singleton shutdown.

void shutdown()

Shutdown down this singleton.

bool isAlive()

Returns if this singleton is alive (true until its shutdown begins).

Public Static Functions

std::shared_ptr<const filesystem::Eurl> localToEurl(const QString local)

Private Functions

class WindowsNetworkFilesystemHandler : public sh::filesystemhandlers::LocalFilesystemHandler
#include <windowsnetworkfilesystemhandler.h>

Public Functions

void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list) override
void itemlist(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType type, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor *list) = 0

Determine a list of subelements in a certain directory.

void configureItems(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode>> nodes) override

Configure newly created nodes (e.g. setting another icon or changing the display name).

sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType getType(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine if a file is regular, or a dir, or a link, …

qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
qint64 getSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the size of a file.

QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
QDateTime getMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine the mtime of a file.

void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime mtime) override
void setMtime(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QDateTime time) = 0

Set the mtime of a file.

QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
QString getMimetype(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Determine mime type of a file.

QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
QString getLinkTarget(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Resolve a link.

bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
bool canGetFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to get the content of a certain file.

std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
std::shared_ptr<QIODevice> getFileContent(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Get the content of a file.

bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
bool canCreateDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create subdirectories in a certain directory.

void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void createDirectory(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Create a directory.

bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
bool canCreateLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create a link in a certain directory.

void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target) override
void createLink(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString target) = 0

Create a link.

bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
bool canCreateFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to create files in a certain directory.

void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer) override
void createFile(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QIODevice *content, HandlerTransfer *handlertransfer) = 0

Creates a file with some content.

It may use handlertransfer for some better integration, like cancel support and progress monitoring.

bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
bool canDeleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to delete a certain file/directory/link/….

void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
void deleteItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) = 0

Delete a file/directory/link/…

bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src) override
bool canRenameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src) = 0

Returns if it is allowed to rename a certain file, directory, link, … (see renameItem).

void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath) override
void renameItem(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> src, QString destpath) = 0

Renames an item to another path.

It can be a simple filename change or also changes in the deeper path segments.

QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) override
QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::actions::AbstractActionItem>> getActions(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>> eurls) = 0

Returns a list of actions (see former example) for showing for certain files.

QList<QString> listExtendedAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
QList<QString> listExtendedAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Fetches the list of available extended attributes for an entry.

quint64 getExtendedAttributeSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute) override
quint64 getExtendedAttributeSize(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the site of value for one extended attribute for an entry.

QByteArray getExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute) override
QByteArray getExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Returns the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void setExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QByteArray value) override
void setExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QByteArray value)

Sets the value for one extended attribute for an entry.

void removeExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute) override
void removeExtendedAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute)

Removes one extended attributes for an entry.

QMap<QString, QString> getCustomAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl) override
QMap<QString, QString> getCustomAttributes(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Returns the custom attributes for an entry.

In contrast to extended attributes, the custom attributes are not directly stored in the filesystem this way, but handle implementation specific aspects (like permissions).

void setCustomAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QString value) override
void setCustomAttribute(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString attribute, QString value)

Sets the value for one custom attribute for an entry.

See also getCustomAttributes.

bool requiresResolvedLinks() override

Returns if this handler requires to be used by the engine with resolved links.

bool isWellKnownScheme() override

Returns if the scheme for this handler is a well known one (which external programs typically would understand).

QString eurlToLocal(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)
std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> localToEurl(const QString local)
void deleteDirectoryIfEmpty(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl)

Deletes a directory only of it is empty.

void viewEnteredDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view entered some directory (e.g. for enabling watchers). See also viewLeftDirectory.

void viewLeftDirectory(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)

Callback for preparing stuff when the view left some directory. See also viewEnteredDirectory.

void search(sh::filesystem::Operation *op, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>>, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType ftype)> addfile, std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl>)> visitdir, QList<std::shared_ptr<sh::search::SearchCriterion>> criteria, )

Helps searching for files.

Override this method with a behavior identical to the default, if a specialized implementation can be much faster than the default one.

void customizeUi(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node, bool *showSearchPanel)

Creates a custom gui, which becomes part of the fileview.

sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel *model()

A convenience shortcut to the sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel (a singleton).

void doShutdown()

Executes singleton shutdown.

void shutdown()

Shutdown down this singleton.

bool isAlive()

Returns if this singleton is alive (true until its shutdown begins).