Class sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor

class sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeListEditor

A list editor for easily modifying a FilesystemNodeList.

Mainly used for listing child nodes in sh::filesystem::FilesystemHandler.itemlist. In most cases, you should just use setItems.

Public Functions

FilesystemNodeListEditor(FilesystemNodeList *list, std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> parenteurl, sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType nodestype)

Constructed only by the infrastructure and made available otherwise.

void setItems(QList<QString> items)

Sets a new list content. This function is all you need in most situations. For iteratively adding nodes, which makes the intermediate results visible in the user interface, see addItem.

void beginIterativeAdding()

Must be called before you begin to iteratively fill the children list (e.g. with addItem). You must also call endIterativeAdding afterwards.

void addItem(QString item)

Adds a new children to the list, directly showing that in the user interface, while you can proceed filling the list. Please read beginIterativeAdding as well! In most cases, you don’t need this function.

std::shared_ptr<FilesystemNode> addCustomItem(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString displayname = QString(), sh::filesystem::FilesystemHandler *handler = 0)

Adds a new children to the list, directly showing that in the user interface, while you can proceed filling the list. Please read beginIterativeAdding as well! In most cases, you don’t need this function.

Note: If you specify a handler, it must be the one matching to eurl’s scheme.

void addExistingNodeItem(std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> node)

Adds a new children to the list, directly showing that in the user interface, while you can proceed filling the list. Please read beginIterativeAdding as well! In most cases, you don’t need this function.

void endIterativeAdding()

Must be called after you iteratively filled the children list with addItem. This automatically removes all the old nodes, which you haven’t added in this session.

void setItemsAreHosts()

After this call, the addItem method will consider the given names as hostnames instead of new path segments. The resulting sh::filesystem::Eurl will differ accordingly. This only makes sense as children for root eurls.

FilesystemNodeList *rawlist()

Returns the FilesystemNodeList backend. You should rarely need it.

Private Functions

std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> getChildEurl(std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> eurl, QString item)

Private Members

FilesystemNodeList *_list
std::shared_ptr<const sh::filesystem::Eurl> _parenteurl
sh::filesystem::FilesystemNodeType _nodestype
std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode> _parentnode
sh::filesystem::FilesystemModel *_model
sh::filesystem::FilesystemHandler *_handler
bool _itemsAreHosts = false
bool _beganAddingIteratively = false
QSet<std::shared_ptr<sh::filesystem::FilesystemNode>> _iterativeAddingsBeforeState

Private Static Attributes

QSet<FilesystemNodeList*> _pendingIterativeAddings
QMutex _pendingMutex
QWaitCondition _iterativeAddingPossibleCondition