Class sh::settings::common::FileDetailsPanelVisible

class sh::settings::common::FileDetailsPanelVisible : public sh::settings::Setting

Public Functions

QString name()

Gets the internal name.

QString description()

Gets the description text.

sh::settings::SettingGroup group()

Gets the group;.

bool isAdvancedSetting()

Is this an advanced setting?

void setValue(QString value)

Called from Shallot core when the value was set (for a not-per-fileview setting).

QString getValue(sh::ui::FileView *filelist)

Get the currently set value.

bool isGlobal()

Does this setting apply globally or just for a certain subtree of nodes?

bool isPerFileview()

Does this setting apply for each fileview individually or for the complete main window?

QString valueDescription(QString value)

Gets a human readable description text for a value.

void setValue(sh::ui::FileView*, QString)

Called from Shallot core when the value was set (for a per-fileview setting).

Public Static Functions

QString getGroupDescription(int g)

Low-level function which gets the description text of a group.