Class sh::paneldetails::PanelDetail

class sh::paneldetails::PanelDetail : public QObject

A detail panel entry.

Is is essentially a list of PanelDetailRow and some layout information.

Public Functions

PanelDetail(int positionIndex, int valueWidthHint)

Constructed only by the infrastructure and made available otherwise.

QList<PanelDetailRow> rows()

Returns the list of detail rows stored in this panel detail.

int positionIndex()

Returns a position index.

It controls the position of this panel detail in relation to the other ones.

int valueWidthHint()

Returns the specified width for the panel detail.

void setRows(QList<PanelDetailRow> rows)

Sets the list of detail rows.

void addRow(PanelDetailRow row)

Adds a new detail row.

void addOrReplaceRow(PanelDetailRow row)

Adds a new detail row (replacing an old one with the same key).

void _emit_linkTriggered(QString link)


void changed()

Emitted when data has changed.

void linkTriggered(QString link)

Emitted when a link is triggered by the user.

Private Members

QMutex _rowsmutex
QList<PanelDetailRow> _rows
int _positionIndex
int _valueWidthHint