Class sh::filesystem::FilesystemModelFileviewProxy

class sh::filesystem::FilesystemModelFileviewProxy : public QSortFilterProxyModel

A filesystem proxy model for a fileview.

It regards the sorting and filtering behavior set up for the connected fileview.

Used internally, mostly for the user interface.

Public Functions

FilesystemModelFileviewProxy(QModelIndex root, bool withtooltip, QObject *parent = 0)

Constructed only indirectly.

void setSizeFormattingMode(SizeFormatting mode)
SizeFormatting getSizeFormattingMode() const
void setHiddenFilesVisible(bool v)
bool getHiddenFilesVisible() const
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const
void triggerReloadData()
void setThumbnail(bool enabled, int size = 32)
bool getThumbnailEnabled()
int getThumbnailSize()